Friday, January 24, 2025
ALL STUDENTS must be reminded that ALL cellular devices, earbuds, and smart watches are to be POWERED DOWN and PUT AWAY from 8am to 3:30pm.
Junior Prom Committee is hosting a Co-ed Volleyball Tournament Saturday, March 1st. There will be an adult and student division grades 8th through 12th. Cost is $60.00, 8 players per team. Come by the front office to pick up your team registration and money to Mrs. Moore in the front office.
FCA is excited to welcome guest speaker Leah Amico to the PCHS auditorium on Wednesday, January 29th. Leah Amico is an accomplished 3-time Olympic Gold Medalist in softball, a 2-time World Champion, and a National Softball Hall of Fame Inductee. She is also a 3-time National Champion from The University of Arizona and has over 20 years of experience as a professional speaker.
Again, Leah Amico will be presenting during Cougar Pride next Wednesday, January 29th. Attendance is mandatory for all FCA members, but it is also open to anyone else interested in joining. Please note that we will have a limited number of slots available, so make sure to sign up on Flex as soon as possible!
PCHS Sr Beta will be collecting new and "gently" loved stuff animals now through February 5, 2025, to take with us to VA Sr. Beta Convention and donate to the Hampton Police Department. If you would like to donate one or more new or "gently" loved stuff animal, please drop it off with Mr. T. in room 170 before the end of school February 5, 2025.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
There will be a meeting for all those who played Football last season for all those interested in playing Football next season this Friday morning in the auxiliary gym at 8:30. Please check in with your homeroom teacher before you come.
Junior Prom Committee is hosting a Co-ed Volleyball Tournament Saturday, March 1st. There will be an adult and student division grades 8th through 12th. Cist is $60.00, 8 players per team. Come by the front office to pick up your team registration and money to Mrs. Moore in the front office.
The Patrick County High School Fishing Team competed in the 2nd State Qualifier at Smith Mountain Lake. It was a tough day on the water for the team, but our anglers faced the cold temperatures and experienced competitors with their heads held high!
In the Junior Division: Evan Eastridge and Wesley Kruse placed 3rd with two fish weighing in 3.28 pounds.
In the Senior Division: Tripp Thompson and Jacob Spencer placed 10th with 7.10 pounds.
Eli Wood and Parker Roop placed 16th with 3.49 pounds.
Jonah Shockley and Hunter Heath placed 17th 2.72 pounds.
Hoping to have better luck (and warmer weather) in the spring!
FCA is excited to welcome guest speaker Leah Amico to the PCHS auditorium on Wednesday, January 29th. Leah Amico is an accomplished 3-time Olympic Gold Medalist in softball, a 2-time World Champion, and a National Softball Hall of Fame Inductee. She is also a 3-time National Champion from The University of Arizona and has over 20 years of experience as a professional speaker.
Again, Leah Amico will be presenting during Cougar Pride next Wednesday, January 29th. Attendance is mandatory for all FCA members, but it is also open to anyone else interested in joining. Please note that we will have a limited number of slots available, so make sure to sign up on Flex as soon as possible!
Attention 10th graders: Permission forms for the Patrick & Henry Community College trip are due to Mrs. Keith, in the College Suite, by the end of lunches today.
If you are a 10th or 12th grader interested in taking the ASVAB on Wednesday, February 5, please see Mrs. Eaton in the office across from the cafeteria Today. The test is free. Check your "class of" Google Classroom or see Mrs. Eaton for more information.
PCHS Sr Beta will be collecting new and "gently" loved stuff animals now through February 5, 2025, to take with us to VA Sr. Beta Convention and donate to the Hampton Police Department. If you would like to donate one or more new or "gently" loved stuff animal, please drop it off with Mr. T. in room 170 before the end of school February 5, 2025.
Friday, January 17, 2025
Attention 10th graders: the field trip to P&HCC has been moved to the snow date. This means you have a little more time to get your permission forms in. Forms are available in the college office and are due next Tuesday.
Tickets for Winter Formal are on sale during all three lunches. You must turn in your permission slip and your $10 TODAY to be admitted into the dance on Saturday. If your name is not on our list, you will not be permitted into the dance.
The theme for tonight's home Boy's Basketball game is College Attire! Come out and support your Cougar Basketball team!!
If you are a 10th or 12th grader interested in taking the ASVAB on Wednesday, February 5, please see Mrs. Eaton in the office across from the cafeteria by Thursday, January 23. The test is free. Check your "class of" Google Classroom or see Mrs. Eaton for more information.
PCHS Sr Beta will be collecting new and "gently" loved stuff animals now through February 5, 2025, to take with us to VA Sr. Beta Convention and donate to the Hampton Police Department. If you would like to donate one or more new or "gently" loved stuff animal, please drop it off with Mr. T. in room 170 before the end of school February 5, 2025.
Thursday, January 16, 2025
The theme for Friday night's home Boy's Basketball game is College Attire! Come out and support your Cougar Basketball team!!
If you are a 10th or 12th grader interested in taking the ASVAB on Wednesday, February 5, please see Mrs. Eaton in the office across from the cafeteria by Thursday, January 23. The test is free. Check your "class of" Google Classroom or see Mrs. Eaton for more information.
Tickets for Winter Formal are on sale during all three lunches. You must turn in your permission slip and your $10 by Friday @ 3:30 to be admitted into the dance on Saturday. If you name is not on our list you will not be permitted into the dance.
PCHS Sr Beta will be collecting new and "gently" loved stuff animals now through February 5, 2025, to take with us to VA Sr. Beta Convention and donate to the Hampton Police Department. If you would like to donate one or more new or "gently" loved stuff animal, please drop it off with Mr. T. in room 170 before the end of school February 5, 2025.
Attention 10th graders: If you are interested in the field trip to Patrick & Henry Community College on January 23, you need to stop by the College Suite today to pick up your permission form. Permission forms are due back this Friday! You can find additional information in your Google Classroom about this trip or see Mrs. Keith in the college suite.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Attention 10th graders: If you are interested in the field trip to Patrick & Henry Community College on January 23, you need to stop by the College Suite today to pick up your permission form. Permission forms are due back this Friday! You can find additional information in your Google Classroom about this trip or see Mrs Keith in the college suite.
Attention Gifted Students: Please check your Google Classroom in regards to a potential field trip opportunity. I must quickly have your response to gauge feedback before purchasing tickets.
PCHS Sr Beta will be collecting new and "gently" loved stuff animals now through February 5, 2025, to take with us to VA Sr. Beta Convention and donate to the Hampton Police Department. If you would like to donate one or more new or "gently" loved stuff animal, please drop it off with Mr. T. in room 170 before the end of school February 5, 2025.
Softball Conditioning will start today, January 15th-and every Monday and Wednesday until the season starts. You must have a current VHSL physical to participate.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
PCHS Sr Beta will be collecting new and "gently" loved stuff animals now through February 5, 2025, to take with us to VA Sr. Beta Convention and donate to the Hampton Police Department. If you would like to donate one or more new or "gently" loved stuff animal, please drop it off with Mr. T. in room 170 before the end of school February 5, 2025.
Softball Conditioning will start Wednesday, January 15th-and every Monday and Wednesday until the season starts. You must have a current VHSL physical to participate.
Thursday, December 19, 2024
The theme for tonight's Girls' Varsity Basketball game is Christmas. Come support your Cougar girls basketball team.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Scholastic Bowl WILL NOT practice this week. If you ordered a T-shirt, please pick it up from Mrs. Dalton in room 178.
Students: The library needs you to return your library books for this semester. The longer you keep a book that you are not reading, the more likely you are to lose it. If the book is lost, you will have to pay for it before you graduate. To return a library book simply bring it to the library. There are no late fees. If the library is closed for testing, you may leave it with the teacher doing hall duty. If you wish to keep your library book to read for enjoyment over winter break, please come by the library to let Mrs. Horne know. You may also send Mrs. Horne an email or chat since there may be testing in the library. Thank you for your attention to this matter!
Tickets for the Winter Formal on January 11th will be sold during lunches through Thursday, December 19th. Students in grades 10th-12th are eligible to attend the dance. 9th graders may only attend if invited by an Upperclassmen. 8th graders are not permitted to attend the Winter Formal. You must pick up a permission form from either student services or at lunch from the table. Permission slips must be brought back before January 10th or you will not be permitted into the dance and will receive a refund. Tickets are $10.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
The theme for tonight's Boys' Varsity Basketball game is Christmas. Come out and support your Cougar basketball team.
Scholastic Bowl WILL NOT practice this week. If you ordered a T-shirt, please pick it up from Mrs. Dalton in room 178.
Attention Sr. Beta Members: The PCHS Pura Vida bracelet fundraiser has arrived! If you are planning to attend the Sr Beta National Convention this summer , please come pick up your PCHS Pura Vida bracelets from Mrs. Fain's office in Guidance TODAY. All proceeds will go towards the costs of attending the Sr Beta National Convention in Florida this summer.
Students: The library needs you to return your library books for this semester. The longer you keep a book that you are not reading, the more likely you are to lose it. If the book is lost, you will have to pay for it before you graduate. To return a library book simply bring it to the library. There are no late fees. If the library is closed for testing, you may leave it with the teacher doing hall duty. If you wish to keep your library book to read for enjoyment over winter break, please come by the library to let Mrs. Horne know. You may also send Mrs. Horne an email or chat since there may be testing in the library. Thank you for your attention to this matter!
Tickets for the Winter Formal on January 11th will be sold during lunches through Thursday, December 19th. Students in grades 10th-12th are eligible to attend the dance. 9th graders may only attend if invited by an Upperclassmen. 8th graders are not permitted to attend the Winter Formal. You must pick up a permission form from either student services or at lunch from the table. Permission slips must be brought back before January 10th or you will not be permitted into the dance and will receive a refund. Tickets are $10.
Monday, December 16, 2024
Military STAR will NOT meet today.
The theme for tonight's Varsity Girls' Basketball game is teal for Lauren Worley. Come support your Cougar Girls' Basketball Team and Lauren.
Attention Seniors: The Second Payment of $20 for the Carowinds Trip is due TODAY to KP or Mrs. Culler.
Tickets for the Winter Formal on January 11th will be sold during lunches through Thursday, December 19th. Students in grades 10th-12th are eligible to attend the dance. 9th graders may only attend if invited by an Upperclassmen. 8th graders are not permitted to attend the Winter Formal. You must pick up a permission form from either student services or at lunch from the table. Permission slips must be brought back before January 10th or you will not be permitted into the dance and will receive a refund. Tickets are $10.
Friday, December 13, 2024
Tickets for the Winter Formal on January 11th will be sold during lunches beginning Monday, December 16th through Thursday, December 19th. Students in grades 10th-12th are eligible to attend the dance. 9th graders may only attend if invited by an Upperclassmen. 8th graders are not permitted to attend the Winter Formal. You must pick up a permission form from either student services or at lunch from the table. Permission slips must be brought back before January 10th or you will not be permitted into the dance and will receive a refund. Tickets are $10.
Attention Seniors: The second payment of $20 for the Carowinds trip is due by Monday, December 16th. Please make your payment to KP or Mrs. Culler.
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
The theme for tonight's Boys' Varsity Basketball game is pajamas. Come support your Cougar Basketball team.
Attention Seniors: The second payment of $20 for the Carowinds trip is due by Monday, December 16th. Please make your payment to KP or Mrs. Culler.
Monday, December 9, 2024
Military STAR will NOT meet today.
Attention Seniors: The second payment of $20 for the Carowinds trip is due by Monday, December 16th. Please make your payment to KP or Mrs. Culler.
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Students: If you believe you have five or fewer total absences, please check your email. Only students with four or fewer total absences are eligible to participate virtually next Tuesday through Friday. However, students scheduled for SOL tests must attend school in person on their designated testing days. Again, be sure to check your email if you think you have five or fewer absences.
The theme for tomorrow night's Varsity Basketball games against North Stokes is Cougar Spirit. Come support your girls and boys basketball teams.
Attention Seniors: A quick reminder that the second payment of $20 for the Carowinds trip is due by Monday, December 16th. Please make your payment to KP or Mrs. Culler. For anyone who missed the first payment, VERY few spots are STILL available! If you're interested in joining, don't wait , see KP or Mrs. Culler to secure your spot. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity.
Attention Students: TODAY is the last day for Cougar Den for the fall semester.
Attention Sr. Betas: Your final payment for convention is due to Mrs. Fain in guidance by this Friday December 6, 2024.
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Attention Seniors: A quick reminder that the second payment of $20 for the Carowinds trip is due by Monday, December 16th. Please make your payment to KP or Mrs. Culler. For anyone who missed the first payment, VERY few spots are STILL available! If you're interested in joining, don't wait , see KP or Mrs. Culler to secure your spot. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity.
The Wrestling team went 3-0 in their first quad match of the season last night. They defeated Floyd 48-18, Radford 42-24, and Carroll County 42-39. Good job guys and keep up the hard work.
The theme for tonight's Varsity Boys Basketball Game against Bassett is WHITE OUT. Come support your Cougar Basketball team.
Attention Sr. Betas: Your final payment for convention is due to Mrs. Fain in guidance by this Friday December 6, 2024.
Attention Students: Tomorrow, December 5, is the last day for Cougar Den for the fall semester.
There will be NO lunch in the library this week due to an English class doing research in the library during 3rd block.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Come out and support the Cougar Wrestling team tonight. Match begins at 6PM.
The theme for Wednesday's Varsity Boys Basketball Game against Bassett is WHITE OUT. Come support your Cougar Basketball team.
Attention Sr. Betas: Your final payment for convention is due to Mrs. Fain in guidance by this Friday December 6, 2024.
Attention Students: This is the last week for Cougar Den after school for the Fall Semester. Again TODAY and this Thursday will the last days of Cougar Den for the Fall Semester.
There will be NO lunch in the library this week due to an English class doing research in the library during 3rd block.
Yearbooks are still on sale. You can purchase a book online by going to Our school number is 13873. You may also bring a check or money order to Mrs. Mullis to order. Cash WILL NOT be accepted. Yearbooks are $75.
Monday, December 2, 2024
Attention Sr. Betas: Your final payment for convention is due to Mrs. Fain in guidance by Friday December 6, 2024.
Attention Students: This is the last week for Cougar Den after school for the Fall Semester. Again Tuesday 12/3 and Thursday 12/5/24 will the last days of Cougar Den for the Fall Semester
There will be NO lunch in the library this week due to an English class doing research in the library during 3rd block.
Yearbooks are still on sale. You can purchase a book online by going to Our school number is 13873. You may also bring a check or money order to Mrs. Mullis to order. Cash WILL NOT be accepted. Yearbooks are $75.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Scholastic Bowl will NOT practice this week due to the Thanksgiving Break. However, they will practice NEXT Wednesday, December 4th. T-Shirt orders have been extended until that date. Please see Mrs. Dalton or Ms. Case if you would like to order a shirt.
There will be NO lunch in the library next week, December 2-6, due to an English class doing research in the library during 3rd block.
Monday, November 25, 2024
Military STAR Club will NOT meet today.
Yearbooks are still on sale. You can purchase a book online by going to Our school number is 13873. You may also bring a check or money order to Mrs. Mullis to order. Cash WILL NOT be accepted. Yearbooks are $75.
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Both Middle School and High School Wrestling Practice has just started up. Both teams are looking for a few more wrestlers to fill all their weight classes. If you are interested see Coach Lawson in room 188 for more information.
King of the Court is Back! November 22nd at 7 pm the freshman, sophomore, junior and senior boys will face off to see who is King of the Court in Volleyball for 2024. Admission is $5 and concessions will be available. Come out and support the volleyball program and cheer on your favorite grade.
Yearbooks are still on sale. You can purchase a book online by going to Our school number is 13873. You may also bring a check or money order to Mrs. Mullis to order. Cash WILL NOT be accepted. Yearbooks are $75.
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Both Middle School and High School Wrestling Practice has just started up. Both teams are looking for a few more wrestlers to fill all their weight classes. If you are interested see Coach Lawson in room 188 for more information.