Class of 2025:
Senior Class Sponsors:
Co-Chairs - Angela Rose and Libby Wood ([email protected] and [email protected]) Melissa Fain, AK Scruggs, Jennifer Turner, Andrea Williams, April Harris, Kiran Penn, Ryan Pendleton, Melanie Culler, Chris Jensen, and Ashlee Mullis
Class of 2025 Meeting Agendas
Upcoming Dates to Remember: Dates to Remember - Class of 2025
Jostens - Cap and Gown Ordering Information:
At this point you must order online. If you have a balance due, an invoice will be emailed to you. You can pay your balance online or by calling Jostens. If you need to pay cash or check you must see Mrs. Wood to discuss it. If you need financial assistance and only ordered a cap and gown, please see your guidance counselor, Mrs. Wood, or Mrs. Rose ASAP. Balances need to be paid by March 1st.
Carowinds - Senior Trip!
Payments due in January and February.
Carowinds Letter 2025
4th - Cougars and Cubs Event - Seniors travel to MODE, BRES, and WES for Read Across America Week activities with their Cubs (approx time 9am - 11:30am)
6th - Cougars and Cubs Event - Seniors travel to SES and PSPS for Read Across America Week activities with their Cubs (approx time 9am - 11:30am)
Student Services Resources:
Check the Google Classroom regularly AND share the info with your family!
Join the FB group page - PCHS Class of 2025 - Stuart, VA - you MUST enter your full name; your family member must enter your full name OR they will not be added to the group
PCHS Website - Families Tab - Seniors Tab
*The Date for graduation will not be official until mid-to-late February.
*Attire - shop NOW; communicate any needs with us NOW - we have plenty of resources to help senior students find clothing items needed for graduation without spending a penny!
*You will need your graduation clothes before April 17th for Cap and Gown and Class Pictures
Ladies -
wear white clothing if possible, a light beige could work; Dress, shirt w/ blouse, dressy pants suit - FYI the gown only comes down mid-calf
Wear white or nude-colored undergarments
Shoes - NO flip flops; nice looking sandals, flats, and wedges are fine, high-heels are not recommended (easy to trip/fall); Subtle solid color
Gentlemen -
Dress pants (color - khaki, navy, or black), a button-down shirt, and a tie or bow tie
Please choose colors that pair nicely with your cap/gown which are dark green.
Shoes - NO flip flops; dress shoes or dress boots